Taylor Jackson Kinney born July 15, 1981, is an American actor and model who has played and showcased in numerous television shows as far as his acting career is concerned. Hails from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, in the United States and an Alma mater of West Virginia University.

The 40 years old Taylor has been actively involved in acting since 2006 till the present. He is well known for his role in Vampire Diaries, Zero Dirty, The Other Woman, and more.

Taylor Kinney met Lady Gaga when working on a music video for the Lady Gaga song “You and I” in 2011. Has a height of 5 feet 11 inches and a weight of 70 kg.

The charismatic talented young-looking Taylor made his first acting encounter with the television serial show “Fashion House” in 2006.

Lady Gaga and Taylor Kinney began their love life in 2011 when they met on a set of Lady Gaga’s music video “You and I”.

They got engaged in February 2015. But sadly ended up calling off their engagement in the year July 2016.

When the two broke up the world mourned the cute pair bitterly. But apparently, the breakup or break ups always had an inspiring lesson for almost everyone. Relationships can be messy but sometimes there seems to be a particular factor responsible for the decline.