An American rapper who goes by the stage name Tyga is Micheal Ray Stevenson. Young Money Entertainment, Cash Money Records and Republic Records signed Tyga to a recording contract in 2008

Tyga’s new album, The Gold Album: 18th Dynasty, was released on June 23, 2015, after a dispute with Young Money. The album, which Kanye West executively produced, went on to sell 5,000 album-equivalent units in its first week, becoming his lowest-selling album to that moment.

It was his first Billboard Hot 100 number one since “Ayo” with Chris Brown in 2015, while “Taste” (with Offset) debuted at No. 8 on the chart in May of this year.

It would go on to serve as the lead single for Legendary, his seventh studio album, which came out in 2019. Debate erupted on December 3, 2012, about the upbringing of Tyga’s children.

However, smuggled footage from the unaired television show Bustas shows Tyga claiming to have grown up in a “well-to-do” Valley home with Range Rovers as family vehicles.

Also, he stated that his mother had nicknamed him Tiger Woods.  His claims on the show may have been humorous and not to be taken seriously, according to the rumours.

He tweeted: “When u 14 and ambitious u don’t care about anything. I’m not going to lie.” Scripted television isn’t the only thing we crave.

How Old Is Tyga?

On November 19, 1989, Micheal Ray Stevenson was born in Compton, California, and grew up there until he was “around 11, 12” before relocating to Gardena, a neighbouring city. Tyga will be 33 years in November 2022.