Has Dr. Mehmet Oz Resigned?

According to Dr. Mehmet Oz, he would prefer to be fired by President Joe Bidden than resign.

Two Trump appointees to the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition have been requested to quit or be dismissed by the White House.

The White House wrote letters to two Republican Senate candidates in Georgia and Pennsylvania, Dr. Mehmet Oz and former football star Herschel Walker, on Wednesday, requesting that they resign or face being fired.

No explanation was provided in the letter from the White House as to why they were requested to quit. “I am writing to ask that you quit as a member of the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition,” it states.

Due to time constraints, I ask that you hand in your resignation by the end of the day today. Your employment with the Council will come to an end at 6 p.m. tonight if we do not receive your resignation. “Thank you very much.”

Oz tweeted that he had been twice chosen by President Trump to the council and would not be quitting.

President Donald Trump appointed Oz and Walker to the council in 2018. Before he left office in December 2020, Trump reappointed them for another two-year term.

CNN spoke to a White House official who confirmed that federal candidates are not permitted to serve on presidential boards under the Biden administration’s standards.

Oz slammed the White House’s resignation request, tweeting a photo of the letter with the statement,  “It’s sad that he would politicize such an important issue like health. The doctor he should ask to resign is Dr. [Anthony] Fauci, for a multitude of obvious reasons.”

So Joe Biden has to avoid anyone who doesn’t agree with his fearmongering, authoritarian Covid handling. In a video message on Twitter, Oz added, “I am proud of my service and will not retire.”

While performing official government duties, members of the council are not allowed to run for office or participate in partisan elections under the Hatch Act, according to CNN.