Archie Battersbee, a native of Southend Essex who suffered brain damage in a fall at home over a month ago, is still unconscious.

Doctors overseeing the 12-year-old believe he is dead and have advised that life support be removed. It is the hospital’s goal to get the judge to order an autopsy to see if he is dead.

Archie Battersbee with mother
Archie Battersbee with mother

In the week since he was discovered unconscious in his house with a ligature around his neck on April 7, Archie Battersbee, of Southend, Essex, has not recovered consciousness. Hollie Dance, his mother, speculates that he was participating in an online game.

Hospital specialists in Whitechapel, east London, say the boy’s brain death is very likely, and they want surgery to confirm it.

Paul Battersbee, the father of Archie Battersbee, has voiced his opposition to the plan.

The hospital requested a judge in the High Court’s Family Division to decide what was best for Archie. On Thursday, the matter was heard in private by Mrs. Justice Arbuthnot in London.

Meet Archie Battersbee Mother Hollie Dance

His parents Hollie Dance and Paul Battersbee have voiced their reservations about the physicians’ proposed changes to his treatment.

On Thursday, the matter will be heard privately in London by Mrs. Justice Arbuthnot.