In the late hours of Saturday, June 4 2022, there was a mass shooting incident on South Street in Philadelphia. 14 people were shot out of which three died. The three people who were killed have been identified as Kristopher Minners, 22 years, Alexis Quinn, 27 years and Gregory “Japan” Jackson, 34 years.

Those who were injured are said to have rushed to the Jefferson Hospital to receive treatment following the incident. Alexis Quinn was known to have had a striking resemblance with her mom as she was referred to as her mother’s “mini-me”.

Family and friends flooded Alexis’s social media pages to express their shock whiles pouring out their condolences. A woman who claims Alexis was her niece said “The shooting and killings have to stop, that could have been my daughter, she was down there at the same time that happened. We have to do better. Please! Please! Put the guns down the city of Philadelphia is a danger zone yes a danger zone.” 


Alexis Quinn
Alexis Quinn

The Philadelphia police have come out to say two of the people killed, that is Alexis Quinn and Kris Minners were “innocent bystanders”. The third victim has been alleged to be part of the reason the shooting started.

Who Is Alexis Quinn’s Mother?

Alexis Quinn’s mother has not yet been identified.

Who Is Alexis Quinn’s Father?

We currently do not have any information on who her father is.