15John Hercules Elton is an English singer, pianist, and composer. Elton, 75, is married to his long-time civil partner, David James  Furnish who is 15 years younger than the singer. Furnish is a Canadian filmmaker and former advertising executive.

Elton and Furnish had met one evening in London when Elton, told a friend to invite over new people for a dinner on a Saturday evening. Furnish was among the few people who showed up at the dinner party. The two fell in love very quickly and began their relationship the day after.

Are Elton John and David Furnish Still Married?
Are Elton John and David Furnish Still Married?

Nine years after entering into a civil partnership, the pair married in 2014. Even after all these years, the couple keeps their relationship fresh through communicating and expressing love gestures.”Every Saturday for 16 years, no matter where we are in the world, we’ve sent each other a card to say how much we love each other,” John told Parade.”We’ve never been envious of each other.”

Elton and  Furnish have been able to have children via a surrogate. The couple has two children together. The couple’s first child, Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John was born on  December 25, 2010, and their second child Elijah Joseph Daniel Furnish-John was born in January via the same surrogate. The family of four is often spotted skiing or having a blast at Disneyland.

The couple is still together. Furnish was recently seen at Elton John’s Aids foundation gala and benefit at Annabel in London which raised an incredible amount of €2.3 million last two weeks.