Ben Roberts Smith, born on November 1st, 1978, a former Australian Army soldier, is a wealthy businessman who was awarded the Victoria Cross (VC), the nation’s highest military honor.

Roberts-Smith enlisted in the Australian Army at the age of 18 in 1996. He received his first employment training at the School of Infantry at Lone Pine Barracks in Singleton, New South Wales, after completing basic training at Blamey Barracks in Kapooka, New South Wales. Roberts-Smith was next sent to the Royal Australian Regiment’s 3rd Battalion (3 RAR) at Holsworthy, New South Wales.

He started up in a rifle company before becoming a section leader in the Direct Fire Support Weapons Platoon. Roberts-Smith deployed to East Timor twice with 3 RAR, the first time as part of the International Force East Timor in 1999.

Roberts-Smith left the military in 2013 to pursue a master’s degree in business administration at the University of Queensland. He was elevated to deputy normal supervisor of Seven Queensland, a regional television network, the following year.

Ben Roberts-Smith Awards And Nominations

Roberts-Smith is a highly decorated ex-soldier who has won the Victoria Cross for Australia, Medal for Gallantry, Commendation for Distinguished Service, Australian Active Service Medal, International Force East Timor Medal (INTERFET), Afghanistan Medal, Iraq Medal, Australian Service Medal, Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal, Defence Long Service Medal, Australian Defence Medal, United Nations Medal, NATO Medal for the Non-Article 5, ISAF Operation in Afghanistan, Unit Citation for Gallantry with Federation Star, Meritorious Unit Citation with Federation Star, Infantry Combat Badge.

Roberts-Smith received the Commendation for Distinguished Service as part of the 2014 Australia Day Honours on January 26, 2014.