Laurel Goodwin was an American film and television actress who is best known for her role as the love interest of Elvis Presley in the 1962 film Girls! Girls! Girls!,

Born on August 11, 1942 (age 79 years), in Wichita, Kansas, in the United States of America, Laurel is said to have gotten married to her husband  Walter Wood in the year 1971.

A child model, Goodwin made her screen debut as the love interest of Elvis Presley in the film, Girls! Girls! Girls! (1962).

She was a co-star in the Paramount comedy Papa’s Delicate Condition (1963), playing Augusta Griffith, the daughter of Jack (Jackie Gleason) and Amberlyn Griffith.

Laurel is said to have played many roles with some of them being comic roles including the role of  Phoebe, the Chief’s niece, in the TV comedy Get Smart.

Goodwin died in Cathedral City, California, on February 25, 2022, at the age of 79.

Laurel Goodwin Children: Did Laurel Goodwin Have a Child?

Laurel Goodwin is said not to have any child at the moment as there is no record or proof to ascertain that he is indeed a mother with children.  Our readers will be informed once we are updated on that information.