Who is Lauro Cavazos?

Lauro Fred Cavazos was a sixth-generation Texan of Mexican descent who was born on the enormous King Ranch near Kingsville, Texas, on January 4, 1927.

Cavazos grew up surrounded by ranchers and herders because his father was the livestock foreman of the ranch’s top division.
Cavazos attended public schools in the Kingsville region before joining the military in the last months of WWII.

He returned after the war and briefly attended Texas Agricultural and Industrial College.
He enrolled in Texas Tech University (then known as Texas Technological College).

Texas Tech eventually awarded him a bachelor’s degree in zoology as well as a master’s degree in zoological cytology.
He subsequently continued his education at Iowa State University, where he earned a Ph.D. in physiology in 1954.

While in Texas Tech, Cavazos met Peggy Ann Murdock who was also a student at the establishment, they got married and eventually had ten children in total.

Children of Lauro Cavazos and Peggy Murdock

Lauro III, Sarita, Ricardo, Alicia, Victoria, Roberto, Rachel, Veronica, Tomas, and Daniel Cavazos were his 10 children.

He lived with his wife Peggy Cavazos, whom he married in 1954, until his death on March 16, 2022.