Who is Patricia MacLachlan?

Author Patricia MacLachlan, known to millions of young readers as the author of “Sarah, Plain and Tall,” a story about two motherless farm children and the lovely woman who comes to the prairie to make them whole, has passed away.

More than 60 children’s books have been written by Mrs MacLachlan throughout the course of her half-century career, which began when she was in her mid-30s, when her own children joined the school, giving her more time during the day to collect her experiences and observations and convert them into stories.

She despised moralizing children’s novels, as well as those literary sledgehammers wielded by adults determined to pound ideas into the hearts and brains of impressionable children.

The author followed up the work with many sequels, including “Skylark” (1994), “Caleb’s Story” (2001), “More Perfect Than the Moon” (2004), and “Grandfather’s Dance” (2006). (2006). In a Hallmark Hall of Fame production of “Skylark,” Walken and Close recreated their respective roles.

Robert McLachlan: Who Is Patricia McLachlan’s Husband?

The couple, Patricia Maclachlan and Robert McLachlan were married and had three children. They lived in the western part of the state of Massachusetts. Patricia’s husband, Robert McLachlan, on the other hand, is a subject of far less speculation.