Blaise Compaoré was born on February 3, 1951, in Burkina Faso. He happens to be the ex-president of Burkina Faso who has been charged with the murder of his predecessor, Thomas Sankara. He was president from 1987 to 2014.

Blaise grew up in his home town, Ziniaré with his parents and six siblings. He is the first child of his parents. He had his primary school education in Guilongou and later attended the Saint Joseph School which was run by missionaries in Fada N’Gourma east of the country.

Blaise was in the army before becoming a president and attained the rank of captain in the Voltaïc army. It was through his profession as a military officer that he met  Thomas Sankara. In 1987, Blaise led coups d’état against Saye Zerbo and Jean-Baptiste Ouedraogo. It was through one of these coups that Thomas Sankara was killed.

He was elected President after the death of Sankara in 1991. Blaise was a member of the National Revolutionary Council under Sankara’s leadership, a Minister of State at the Presidency and also a Minister of State for Justice.

Tiga Thérèse Bougouma: Meet Blaise Compaoré’s Mother

Blaise Compaoré’s Mother is called Tiga Thérèse Bougouma. She died when Blaise was around 15 years old.