How old is Wendi Mae Davidson?

Wendi Mae Davidson is 43 years old. She was born on 1978-07-23


A former Texas veterinarian, Wendi Mae Davidson is a mother of two and a working mom.

As of this writing, she is serving a 25-year term for the 2005 murder of her husband in the Gatesville Correction Facility in Texas.

After being charged with first-degree murder and two counts of evidence tampering, Davidson pleaded not guilty in October 2006 to all accusations. It took her 25 years to serve her time in prison.

Throughout this time, Wendi has maintained her innocence.

Staff Sergeant Michael Severance, the husband of Davidson, was reported missing in January 2005.

A pond on a remote property about 20 miles outside of San Angelo, Texas, was where Severance’s body was found two months after his disappearance.

Prior to his death, he and his wife shared a ranch house.

Animal tranquilizers were found in Severance’s toxicology report, and he was then stabbed 41 times after his death.
It was discovered in March 2006 that Wendi Mae Davidson’s husband Michael Severance had been murdered.

Michael’s parents were informed by Wendi that she couldn’t locate him, and the couple was scheduled to depart for Maine on January 16, 2005.

After he vanished, a thorough inquiry was launched.

It was discovered in a pond on a rural ranch outside of town that the remains had been dumped.

Tranquilizers and 41 knife wounds were found on his body after his death.

Tires, cinderblocks, and other car pieces were added to Michael’s body to keep him at the bottom of the mountain.