Who is Wendi Mae Davidson?

Wendi Mae Davidson is a resident of San Angelo, Texas, who was charged with killing her husband in 2005.

She formerly worked as a veterinarian at the Advanced Animal Care facility on Sherwood Way.

Davidson earned her Veterinarian degree from Texas A&M University, where she also gave birth to her first child, a boy from a prior relationship.

By September 2004, she had married Severance, whom she had met the previous year, and the pair had two children together.

They were thought to be a regular family until Severance went missing in 2005, which startled the town.

Why Was She Convicted For Murder?

According to reports, it was discovered that Severance, Wendi Mae’s husband died after being poisoned with animal tranquilizers and then stabbed 41 times postmortem.

Davidson reported her husband missing in January 2005. His corpse was discovered in a pond on a secluded property approximately 20 miles outside of San Angelo, where the family was residing.

Davidson informed police that she had seen her husband the day before and that he was concerned about deployment.