The murder of Chinatown resident Christina Yuna Lee in her loft at 111 Chrystie St. on February 13 has sent shockwaves across the area and the city.

Lee, 35, was a creative producer who lived in the walkup loft for under a year subsequent to moving from New Jersey.

Surveillance video got by the New York Post showed her being followed into the structure at around 4:30 a.m.

Lee’s family created a fundraising campaign in her memory. It will benefit organizations that mattered to her. The fund is already up to more than $140,000.

A portion of the appeal read; “Christina was full of life. She radiated positivity, joy, and love. She supported her friends in everything that they did. She went above and beyond to make those she loved know she was there for them—never expecting anything in return. Her loss is an unfathomable tragedy that her loved ones and her community will struggle with for years to come.”

Who Murdered Christina Yuna Lee?

Police say the suspect, 25-year-old Assamad Nash, stabbed Lee multiple times. He tried to flee using a fire escape but was found hiding under a bed.

Cops said Nash blockaded himself in the apartment, constraining them to break in. Nash, who is destitute, has a long record of criminal arrests.

As The New York Times and other portals revealed, he was arrested in September after an episode in the Grand Street tram station in which he hit a man directly upside the head who had swiped his MetroCard for a traveler.