British-Ukrainian national Aiden Aslin served in the Kurdish People’s Defense Units (YPG) militia in northern Syria before joining the Ukrainian Marines.

His alias is “Rojhat Rojava,” and he served as a member of the YPG’s Lions of Rojava squad. For the first time ever, he went to Ukraine and enlisted in the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 2018.

This occurred during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on April 22, 2022, when he was arrested at Mariupol.

While in Syria in April 2015, he was a member of the YPG for around ten months before returning to the US and being arrested upon his arrival.

While serving in Tel Abyad and al-Hasakah, Aslin was part of the deal that allowed pro-government forces to abandon their positions; he also participated in the 2015 al-Hawl battle against ISIS.


First foreign combatant to be probed by the UK police, Aslin’s treatment by Nottinghamshire Police received the public’s and politicians’ backing in protesting against his treatment.

“Preparation to fight against Daesh” and “items for terrorist objectives” in Iraq and Syria were alleged charges against Aslin under the Terrorism Act. In the end, he was found not guilty and went to Syria in 2016 to serve with the YPG for a second time.

On more than one occasion, Aslin urged the international community to increase its support for the YPG and the Kurdish people in their fight against terrorism.

Erdoğan has practically made ISIS live longer and this is all down to” Turkish President Erdogan’s involvement in the Turkish occupation of northern Syria. Had they not been participating, we definitely would be in Raqqa right now dealing with ISIS.

British weaponry has been sold to Turkey, which has used them in attacks on Kurds, he said.

Aiden Aslin Net Worth

Aiden Aslin’s net worth estimation is $100,000

Aiden Aslin  Wife

Aiden Aslin is married to Daine Aslin

Aiden Aslin  Children

There is no information if Aiden Aslin had children

Aiden Aslin  Career

Aiden Aslin was a marine in the Ukrainian army

Aiden Aslin  Parents

Aiden Aslin identities are not known

Aiden Aslin  Death Sentence

Aiden Aslin is sentenced to death for fighting Russian forces in Ukraine