At the age of 64, the Spanish photographer, artist, and poet Ouka Leele passed away. He was one of the finest and brightest talents of the Movida Madrilea cultural explosion that followed the end of the dictatorship of Francisco Franco.

Ouka Leele
Ouka Leele

Leele was Bárbara Allende Gil de Biedma, and she was born in Madrid in 1957. At a young age, she began drawing, painting, and reading books on the history of art.

After completing her education in photography, she hit upon the style that would become her signature, which is an often chaotic fusion of black-and-white photographic pictures that have been overpainted with garish watercolors.

After spending time in Barcelona and New York, he moved back to Madrid in 1981. Madrid was then in the midst of the creative, debauched, and often destructive early days of Spain’s post-Franco reawakening, and he found the city to be an exciting place to be.

Meet Ouka Leele Father Gabriel Allende Maíz

Ouka Leele’s father is Gabriel Allende Maiz. Her father, Gabriel was an architect born on September 23, 1922. Gabriel attended Polytechnic University of Madrid, ETSAM: Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (UPM).

Aside from Ouka, Gabriel gave birth to Gabriel Allende Gil de Biedma and has a grandchild called María Rosenfeldt. Gabriel Allende Maiz passed away at the age of 93.