On Tuesday, June 7, Lexi McDavid, who was 12 years old at the time, was struck by a Mercedes vehicle while walking on Princess Drive. She was transferred to Alder Hey Children’s Hospital after the accident.

It has now been confirmed by the Merseyside Police that Lexi, who was from the surrounding region, passed away as a result of her injuries not long after the collision.
According to the officers, the driver of the vehicle stayed at the scene and is continuing to assist investigators with the investigation into what happened.

The family of Lexi, who passed away at such a tragically early age, is receiving the support of expert police, as stated by Detective Sergeant Andy Roper. “Our thoughts and condolences this morning are very much with the family of Lexi,” Detective Sergeant Andy Roper said.

“An investigation is ongoing and we’d ask that anyone who witnessed the collision or captured anything on dashcam or other devices and has yet to come forward does so as soon as possible. Your information could be vital to our investigation.


“Whether you come to us directly or anonymously, through Crimestoppers, all information will be acted upon.”

Lexi McDavid Wiki, Cause Of Death, Net Worth, Parents, Siblings

Cause of Death



struck by a van as she crossed the street
Siblings Under Review
Net Worth Under Review
Parents Under Review