Alexei Tsvetkov obituary, tribute, cause of death, and funeral

Alexei Tsvetkov is dead. Alexei Tsvetkov was a poet, essayist, and a journalist. Born in Ivano-Frankivsk (formerly Stanislaviv), Ukraine, he grew up in Zaporizhia. His early academic journey is not on record, but later in his life, he studied chemistry at the Odessa University, history, and journalism from 1965 to 1968 and 1971 to 1974 respectively at the Moscow State University.

Later he was awarded a Ph.D. degree at the University of Michigan. USA. He was later a teacher at Dickinson College, Pennsylvania, where he taught the Russian language and literature.

Tsvetkov as a poet has written several poems and, with his grip on literature, he translated Shakespeare’s Hamlet. He also worked with
the Voice of America radio station and the Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty as a broadcaster. Tsvetkov worked as a freelance writer on New York until he relocated to Israel, where he has been living until his death.

Some of his published works include Sbornik p’es dlia zhizni solo (Collection of Pieces for Life Solo), 1978. Sostoianie sna (Dream State), 1981. Edem (Eden), 1985. Stikhotvoreniia (Poems), St. Petersburg: 1996 and many more with the most recent one being Poslednii Kontinent (The Last Continent), Kharkiv: Folio, 2012. In 2007, he was awarded the Andrei Bely prize for poetry.

Alexei Tsvetkov Cause of Death

Last week, Alexei Tsvetkov posted via his social media handle that he had been admitted to the hospital due to ill health. He made mentioned having symptoms of fever and pneumonia.

It is currently unclear what caused his death aside from the symptoms he mentioned a week ago.

Tributes to Alexei Tsvetkov

Bakhyt Kenzgeev is among the few who have paid tributes to the fallen legend. “Alexey Petrovich Tsvetkov, my beloved friend and great poet, has just died in an Israeli hospital. May the earth rest in peace for him. Eternal memory,” Bakhyt Kenzheev said in a statement on Facebook.

Bakhyt together with Alexander Soprovsky, Sergei Gandlevsky and Alexei Tsvetkov participated in the Moscow Time poetry group and published some of their works.

Funeral of Alexei Tsvetkov

Alexei Tsvetkov’s demise is still early therefore medical examination is required to find out the official cause of his death. A funeral arrangement will be held right after the cause is known.