Elizabeth II is Queen of the United Kingdom and 14 other Commonwealth realms. In the event of the King’s death while she was on tour, her confidential secretary, Martin Charteris, took a draft declaration of her acceding to the throne with him.
A journey between Australia and New Zealand by way of Kenya began in early 1952 for Elizabeth and Philip. The news of George VI’s death and Elizabeth’s quick ascension to the throne arrived as they were returning to their Kenyan home, Sagana Lodge, on the morning of February 6th, 1952. The new queen was informed by Philip.

Elizabeth II was her regnal name, which many Scots found offensive because she was the first Elizabeth to rule in Scotland. The royal family swiftly returned to the United Kingdom once she was proclaimed queen throughout her domains. Buckingham Palace was the new home for Elizabeth and Philip after they married in 1947.
What does the Queen Eat?
Earl Gray tea is a favorite of the Queen. Twinnings, a well-known English tea supplier, is supposedly her favorite brand of tea.
For breakfast, Queen Elizabeth prefers to stick to the basics. Her breakfast of choice appears to be a bowl of Special K and an assortment of fruits.
She’s rumored to enjoy some scrambled eggs and smoked salmon on exceptional occasions. It has been said that Queen Elizabeth prefers grilled fish or chicken, and avoids carbohydrates in her lunches, following this.
Afternoon tea can include a piece of chocolate biscuit cake for Queen Elizabeth to enjoy. The Queen’s fondness for chocolate cake has been well-documented by now.
Lunch and dinner follow the same pattern. If the Queen prefers pheasant or venison, there is room for it in this menu. Indeed, the queen enjoys Sunday roasts just like everyone else.
For dessert, the Queen likes to have some strawberries or peaches with her chocolate. The meal will be capped off by a flute of the finest champagne, courtesy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Is Queen Elizabeth Nice?
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is used to etiquette and formality. In the company of her closest friends and long-serving servants, she feels at ease.
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