Kevin Samuels, a self-proclaimed relationship expert and image consultant most known for his sexist remarks regarding black women, in particular, has died, according to sources.
However, the death of the 56-year-old has not been confirmed. As a result, on Thursday afternoon, Samuels’ name became a hot topic on Twitter as individuals tried to clear the air.

Samuels died of “cardiac arrest,” according to Plug Talk’s Instagram account, although the allegation was not verified. Other Instagram accounts also jumped on the same story without providing any proof.
Samuels’ death appears to have been announced by a single social media post saying he died on Thursday morning. Samuels’ Instagram account featured a video he shared on Wednesday afternoon, in which he discusses “contemporary women” and considers whether they are “a party of one.”
Samuels has not updated his Facebook page since at least Tuesday, so that was his most recent social media activity. His last tweet was in April, although it was connected to his Instagram account.
His most recent YouTube video, which was released at the same time as the Instagram post on Wednesday, was on the aforementioned “Modern Women.”
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