Is Priscilla Tolkien Still Alive?

Priscilla Tolkien passed away on February 28, 2022, after a short illness.

Priscilla was the youngest and only daughter of J.R.R. Tolkien’s four children. She was 92 years old when she died.

Priscilla was the sole daughter of the Professor and his wife Edith, and she was born on June 18, 1929. When she was born, they were already living in Oxford.

Priscilla typed some of the first chapters of The Lord of the Rings for her father when she was fourteen years old. Lady Margaret Hall College in Oxford, where she studied English, confirmed her death.

Priscilla was an ardent supporter of her father’s efforts. She served as Vice-President of the Tolkien Society and co-authored The Tolkien Family Album with her brother John, the oldest of the four children.

Bingo Bolger-Baggins, Frodo’s name in early drafts of The Lord of the Rings, was probably inspired by the names of a family of toy bears she had as a child.

Since 1986, Priscilla Tolkien has served as Honorary Vice-President of The Tolkien Society, and she has hosted members of the Society at Oxonmoot for many years.

Priscilla Tolkien is the last of Tolkien’s four children to die, following Michael (1984), John (2003), and Christopher (2006).