Amerie Jo Garza Obituary
Amerie Jo Garza is known to be a 9-year old young girl who got shot by an 18-year-old girl who stormed her school and revealed that she was going to kill them all.

According to reports, Amerie who was part of the people who were threatened by the young boy whose name was identified as Salavador Ramos took out her phone to call the police.
The angered Salvador uponing noticing the act that was been done by the young Amerie brought out his handgun which he was holding and shot the little girl dead on the spot.
Amerie was been taken care of by her mother and stepfather known as Angel Garza. She was survived by a little brother.
Amerie Jo Garza Cause of Death
Amerie Jo Garza was shot dead by one young man by the name of Salvador Ramos who barged into their school. Amerie was part of the 14 students who were killed along with one teacher.
Amerie Jo Garza Tributes
The death of the young brave girl has led to many people pouring in their tribute to the deceased for having the courage to try and contact the police.
Amerie Jo Garza Funeral Date
Amerie Jo Garza’s funeral date have not been released yet as family are now making preparations towards that.
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