Who is Blaise Campaore?

Meet Blaise Campaore who happens to be a Burkinabe retired politician. Blaise who was born on February 3, 1951, was the president of Burkina Faso from the year 1987 to 2014. He was known to be a leading associate of the then Thomas Sankara during the year the 1980s. In the year October 1987, he led a coup d’etat that killed the then president.

Born in Compaore, in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso, Blaise grew up in Ziniare. Blaise was regarded as top military personnel who had high ranks. He was a captain in the Voltaic army. He was part of the coup d’etat against Saye Zerbo as well as Jean Baptist.

Compaoré was Sankara’s deputy and a member of the National Revolutionary Council during his presidency, which lasted from 1983 to 1987. He was a Minister of State at the White House and then a Minister of State for Justice.

Blaise was also known to have headed the Burkina-Faso delegation in the year 1993 when the first Tokyo International Conference was held by then. He was acknowledged by the BBC in the year 2014 as the strongest ally of France.

Blaise Campaore Net Worth 2022

Blaise Compaoré, a Burkinabé politician, is reported to be worth $275 million. Smart stock investments, huge property holdings, and other factors contributed to his success.