Brian Callahan was born in the United States on June 10, 1984, in Champaign, Illinois.  He is currently 38 years old. He graduated from UCLA College and De La Salle High School.

Brian Callahan is the offensive coordinator for the Cincinnati Bengals of the National Football League’s Cincinnati Bengals (NFL).

Despite the loss of several important players due to injury, he helped lead the Bengal’s offence to substantial improvement in 2019.

Bill Callahan, the former interim head coach of the Washington Redskins and the former head coach of the Oakland Raiders, is Callahan’s father.

Daniel Callahan, Jaclyn Callahan, and Kathryn Callahan are his siblings. He is married to Allyson Callahan, a stunning woman.

Brian Callahan formerly worked for the Detroit Lions and Oakland Raiders as a quarterbacks coach. He also worked for the Denver Broncos as an offensive assistant.

Brian Callahan began his NFL coaching career as a coaching assistant with the Denver Broncos in 2010.
Throughout the 2015 NFL season, he served in a variety of roles for the organization.

In February 2016, the Detroit Lions hired Callahan as their quarterback’s coach. In January 2018, the Oakland Raiders hired Callahan as their quarterbacks’ coach.

On February 7, 2019, Callahan was hired as the offensive coordinator for the Cincinnati Bengals.

Brian Callahan Height: How Tall Is Brian Callahan?

Brian Callahan’s Height is currently not available.