Is Abortion Legal in Oklahoma State?

No. Abortion is illegal in Oklahoma State.

A bill that would make conducting an abortion a felony punishable by up to 10 years in jail was passed by the Oklahoma House on Tuesday.

The Republican-controlled House voted 70-14 to send the bill to Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt, who has previously stated that he will sign any anti-abortion bill that gets to his desk. There was no debate or discussion.

One of several anti-abortion measures that remain in the Oklahoma Legislature this year is part of a trend of Republican-led states passing aggressive anti-abortion legislation as the conservative U.S. Supreme Court considers ratcheting back abortion rights that have been in place for nearly 50 years.

According to Republican state representative Jim Olsen of Roland, the bill’s sponsor and author, abortions conducted to save the mother’s life are exempt under Oklahoma law, which was approved by the state Senate last year.

Anyone convicted of performing an abortion would face up to 10 years in prison and a $100,000 fine under the proposed legislation.

In Olsen’s words: “The repercussions are for the doctor, not the woman.

It is not unusual for anti-abortion legislation to be rejected as unconstitutional by the courts, but anti-abortion legislators in Oklahoma and elsewhere have been emboldened by the Supreme Court’s ruling that the new Texas abortion restrictions can remain in place.

It’s up to private citizens in Texas to police a new anti-abortion law that critics describe as a “bounty” of $10,000 if they bring a successful lawsuit against an abortion physician or anybody else who aids in the procedure.

Legislation in a number of states, including Oklahoma, is currently in the works.

Oklahoma’s measure was passed on the same day as a “Bans Off Oklahoma” event in support of abortion rights outside the Capitol.

According to Planned Parenthood CEO Emily Wales, “These legislators have maintained their relentless onslaught on our liberties.”

Not one of these restrictions is meant to improve the safety of our work. To shame and stigmatize those in need of and entitled to an abortion is the goal of these groups.


Is Abortion illegal in Oklahoma State?

Yes. Abortion is illegal in Oklahoma State