Don Mattingly’s ex-wife. Manager Don Mattingly was long married to Kim Sexton. They met in 1976 on a bus to Madisonville. He had an American Legion game and she had North High. Her father was the team’s coach.

They instantly clicked and started dating. He proposed three years later on September 8, 1979. Kim was 17 and her fiancee 18

After the wedding, they went to the Instructional League in Bradenton. They lived in a studio. They admired and supported each other’s careers.

28 Years Of Marriage’: Don Mattingly and Kim Sexton

Kim and Don’s breakup startled many. Their 28-year marriage ended. Don Mattingly’s ex-wife filed for divorce on November 14, 2007.

Things got nasty two months after the divorce was finalized. Kim visited her ex-husband at the Diamond 5 Ranch on January 19.

When Don Mattingly’s ex-wife came to chat, he had to send her out and call 911. On her third visit, she threatened to kick in the door. Don rang 911 again.

Early on February 2, Kim’s ex-boyfriend had to call 911 again. His ex-wife was pounding on the front door. He claims she drank. Kim accused her ex-husband of stealing her phone, which he disputed, and she was arrested.

Deputy Chad Howard reportedly spotted Don Mattingly’s ex-wife Kim’s shaky gait. She was claimed to be drunk and abusive. Sexton was arrested for OWI.

Kim Sexton’s charges remain unanswered. But we believe hope she’s happy now