Gemini Horoscope Today May 18, 2022
ALL Zodiac signs have their characteristics and traits which define someone’s personality. Gemini, is one of them and is the third astrological sign in the zodiac. Under this tropical zodiac, the sun transits this sign between about May 21 to June 21.

Geminis are flexible, extroverted, and clever, and there’s never a boring moment while they’re around. Their vest friend is a fellow zodiac, Libra.
Every day has its twists and turns and energies. There are good days and not-so-good ones. Let’s take a look at today for a Gemini.
Gemini Horoscope Today May 18 2022
As a Gemini, your daily astrological predictions for May 18, 2022, suggest that you stay cautious of what is going around you in your surroundings. Be observant and smart.
Today might be a challenging day for all Gemini-born natives, but with the unique skill of managing things and people diplomatically and manipulatively, all can turn out in a winning situation.
It is best for you if you bring out the great skill of convincing people with your high intellect and wisdom, especially on your work front. People might want to take advantage of your innocence, and therefore you must stay cautious of what is going around you in your surroundings.

Your close friends should come in handy. Benefit from the advice of a close friend and he/she can help you bring out some trouble. You are a loyal partner and friend, honest and outspoken. If you have made some past commitments and promises, it is time that you fulfill all of them.
Geminis are creative, daring, and bold. Regarding business and finances today, there are big chances that your financial strength will increase, and you can also get some relief from your money troubles and debts if any. Your expenses can rise a bit but try to spend on utility and valuable items.
Gemini fears silence and stagnation, however, you are advised to remain low and passive in your family affairs and don’t intervene in the privacy of your family members while giving them some space. It is best if you become submissive and don’t respond to your family history of compulsiveness. Try to avoid pointless drama and conflict and when possible simply walk away from a tense situation before things get too heated. This is naturally your trait though, so it should be easy.
Career-wise, today you might get valuable insight on some office-related tasks and this can help you to better your productivity and upgrade your working style if you are a student, focus more on the revision.
You may feel much better and fitter in your body, as today will help with chronic illnesses getting improved and Geminis getting better at health.
Yesterday, you were encouraged to up your Love magic and be romantic. Today as a Gemini, it would be best if you take your partner or spouse on a romantic date, it could be shopping or going out for dinner or lunch. The idea shall remain to spend some quality and memorable time together, so even if you are to stay in your rooms…cuddling and conversations around are just right.
Your lucky number is 17 and your lucky color, is Forest Green. Enjoy your day today and a Gemini, and resonate some good twin energies to others around you.
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