Monkeypox is not something you want to mess around with. If you are in an area where the disease has been reported, it’s important to know how to avoid it if at all possible.

Monkeypox virus, which most commonly impacts people living in Africa and Asia, can be spread through direct contact with infected monkeys or their fleas. Keep reading to learn more about what causes monkeypox and how to protect yourself from it!

What is the monkeypox disease?

The monkeypox disease is a rare viral infection found in certain parts of Africa, Asia, and central Europe. This condition can be spread through contact with infected animals or people.

There is no cure for monkeypox; therefore, treatment focuses on relieving symptoms. However, by following proper hygiene practices when around animals you can greatly lower your risk of contracting it yourself.

Where did it come from?

A typical case of monkeypox begins with a fever, body aches, swollen lymph nodes, and fatigue.

If a person has never been infected with monkeypox before, then he or she could have contracted it from direct contact with an infected animal or by touching an object that has been contaminated with urine or other bodily fluids from an infected animal.

The virus spreads via respiratory droplets in close quarters, meaning you could also contract it if you’re around someone who is coughing or sneezing on you.

What causes the monkeypox virus?

Monkeypox is caused by a virus, known as monkeypox virus, which belongs to a group of viruses that can infect both animals and humans. Most people who contract monkeypox have contact with infected animals (such as rodents or their droppings) while they are in Africa, Central America, or South America.

How does a person get monkeypox?

Fortunately, human cases of monkeypox are extremely rare. The CDC estimates that there are only about 10-100 human cases per year, though many public health officials believe that estimate is low.

We do know monkeypox is spread through close contact with infected animals—particularly rodents like rats or squirrels—or people who carry it. Additionally, animal products (especially meat) can spread the disease, so eating any undercooked meat could be risky too.