Who is Louie Simmons?

Louie Simmons was an American powerlifter and strength coach.

He is noted for developing the Westside Conjugate method of training and applying it to powerlifting and other sports, as well as inventing several pieces of strength training equipment.

Born on October 12, 1947, Louie Simmons is said to have passed away on March 24, 2022, at the age of 74 years.

Simmons competed in powerlifting for over 50 years. He has achieved a 920 pounds (420 kg) squat, a 600 pounds (270 kg) bench press, and a 722 pounds (327 kg) deadlift over the age of 50 years.

Simons is known for taking drugs to enhance his performance as she revealed during an interview that he had been taking in anabolic steroids since 1970, stating for Joe Rogan in a 2016 podcast, “I went on anabolics January 1970. And so, what is this, 2016? I’ve never been off ’em.”

What did Louie Simmons Invent?

The Reverse Hyper is a piece of exercise equipment that was designed and invented by powerlifter, strength coach, inventor, and author, Louie Simmons.

Who Invented the Belt Squat?

The Belt Squat was said to have been invented by Louie Simmons. The Belt Squat is also known as the ‘hip belt squat’

The belt squat is a squat variation where the load is anchored to the waist (via a belt) rather than on the back, in the front rack, overhead etc.