Russia’s declaration of war on Ukraine has prompted outrage from across the world with nations and people alike condemning President Vladimir Putin’s act.

While he has claimed that it’s a military action in Ukraine, explosions could be heard soon after in the capital Kyiv and other parts of the country.

Putin also called on Ukrainian service members to “lay down their arms and go home”, adding that the special military action was meant for “demilitarisation and denazification” of Ukraine.

In the interim, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenksy said he was ineffective at looking for converses with his Russian partner Vladimir Putin. Zelensky expressed that a “significant conflict in Europe” could be begun by Russia soon.

As his assertion comes in the midst of Ukraine confronting dangers of the Russian attack, netizens likewise took to Twitter to share their apprehensions that the Russia-Ukraine emergency could set off a World War 3 like circumstance.

While a few common a genuine worry of Russia’s assault on Ukraine, others posted entertaining images, attempting to downplay what is going on.

Who Started World War III?

Russia declared war on Ukraine on Thursday, February 24 with Russian President Vladimir Putin calling it a military operation.

Putin has also warned other nations not to interfere with the Russian action as it would result in “consequences they have never seen”. Soon after his announcement, big explosions were witnessed in Ukraine’s Kyiv, Kharkiv, and other regions.

Later, air sirens also went off in Kyiv, indicating that the capital is under attack. Meanwhile, Ukraine has closed its air space for civilian flights due to a “high risk” to safety amid Russia’s declaration of war on the country.